
How to use steam achievement manager correctly
How to use steam achievement manager correctly

how to use steam achievement manager correctly

Speculation about players completing the achievement The first one that's visible in the human-readable achievement lists is AQS2063 or Escape for Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies. Most of the other achievements in this list can't be found elsewhere, either.

how to use steam achievement manager correctly how to use steam achievement manager correctly

The first item is an achievement for Frozen Synapse whose name is an empty string, and that isn't shown in the Steam stats page. There's a lot of achievements that have zero percentage. Now that you have all the achievements in the same place, just sort and read using sort all.txt | less or such. Jq ".achievementpercentages.achievements | \"\(.percent) \(.name) $\"" $f Then parse the files with jq and list all achievements in a single file. mkdir gameįor appid in $(jq '.' appids.json) do Using this list, fetch the global achievement percentages for each appid. Note: this takes over a day and currently produces ~17k files that take 71MB.įirst get the list of appids. I'm still looking for a way to find that data, but I'm afraid that might be something Valve considers confidential. To find the absolute rarity, this data should be combined with the amount of players for each game. However, this only gives the relative rarity of the achievements.

#How to use steam achievement manager correctly code

Given these it's pretty trivial to write code that fetches achievement percentages for all Steam games and gives a sorted list. The list of Steam app id's is available from another API: percentage of players that have got a specific achievement.įor example, the achievement stats for Jamestown can be fetched from the URL. Steam Web API v0002 provides an API for global achievement stats per game, i.e. Note that this information is probably obsolete by the time you read this. On, the rarest achievement by percentage (with over 0 percentage completion) that is visible in the Steam community achievement lists was Escape in Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies with 0.0001% of players achieving it. The rarest achievement (at the time of writing)

How to use steam achievement manager correctly